Thursday, January 5, 2012

Gingerbread 101

In 2010, my brother Ken and his family and Barry's mom Bernie came out to spend Christmas with the family. I tried to think of something new and creative for us to all do - that didn't require any athletic ability or special equipment. Walking through the stores - it hit me! We should do a team gingerbread house challenge! We did - it was lots of fun. Jackie and Jess won the 1st Gingerbread House challenge - and so began a new tradition.

Barry and I with our 2011 Gingerbread House
 In 2011, we didn't have out-of-town family visit so we had fewer 'entries' but all were very creative and original. Megan and Will did a gingerbread 'barn' complete with a silo, farm animals and strawberry patch.

Megan and Will with 'the farm'!
Mom and Dad did a more traditional house, complete with a 'teddy bear lane' made with Dad's cinnamon gummy bears from Sweet's in Salt Lake. They also used up all of the original kit ingredients.

Dad and Mom with 'teddy bear lane'

After the work was done, our top secret judges carefully evaluated the entries and declared that there were two winners in the 2011 Gingerbread House Challenge. Most Original Gingerbread House went to Megan and Will,
while Katie and Clint won Most Creative Gingerbread House (the rice krispie trees put it over the top.

Katie and Clint with their 'Winter Cabin'
 Barry was a little disappointed that his 'triage teepee' complete with gummy infantry men didn't win. Oh well, there is always next year! I guess we all better start getting some new ideas - top secret of course. Don't want to give away our plans to our competitors!

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